We dug up another one of Ben’s presentations from the archive! This one is from 2015 and is titled: ‘Livestock Husbandry On Pasture – The Sacred Order’. While it would be an even richer experience to hear Ben’s running dialogue that goes along with the slides, these images still clearly present an elemental wisdom that governs the ecological farming at Mountain Run Farm.

In this presentation Ben presents the foundation for livestock husbandry on pasture. This foundation is both practical and enlightening – looking through the lens of survival. After all, whether human or animal or any other species, the impulse to survive is a grounding principle. Ben calls this impulse – ‘the sacred order’ and explains that it is made up of four basic needs:

  • Shelter
  • Water
  • Fire
  • Food

We hope you enjoy this glimpse into the philosophy and ecological agriculture of Mountain Run Farm. Click on the images below to view the full presentation. Enjoy!